Distance, Duration & Driving Directions From Hampi to Savanur
Hampi To Savanur Distance & Duration
158 km
Hampi To Savanur Distance & Time : Hampi to Savanur approximate distance is 158 Kms and takes approximately by road.
The roundtrip travel fare would be Approx. Rs 3410 by Tata Indica AC and for more cars rates visit CCR's Hampi To Savanur page.
Hampi To Savanur Driving Directions
Hampi To Savanur Driving Directions: In this section travellers can find driving directions from Hampi to Savanur, road map from Hampi to Savanur, distance between Hampi to Savanur and how much time cab/taxi will take to reach Savanur from Hampi by road. Also travellers can modify source and destination as per their desired requirement using given box below:
Driving directions from Hampi to Savanur
Map Data
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